Less risk, more reward

Gain a clear advantage in DeFi investing
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Built for institutions, accessible to all

Institutional-grade, risk-mitigated DeFi strategies engineered for performance

The Clarity platform simulates, builds, tracks, executes and optimizes DeFi strategies. It leverages a comprehensive data architecture to craft sophisticated strategies and build high-performing, low-correlated, risk-mitigated portfolios.

Choose a strategy

Discover Clarity-powered yield opportunities
matching your unique investment goals

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Market Neutral

Non-correlated returns targeting a high Sharpe ratio within a strict risk framework.
Target Yield: 3-11%+ APY
Volatility - Very Low


Market-making algorithm that optimizes LP portfolios for higher risk-adjusted returns
Target Yield:  5-25%+ APY
Volatility - Medium

Smart Hedging

Directional strategies employing dynamic hedging via derivatives on highly liquid assets
Target Yield: 10-20%+ APY
Volatility - Medium-Low

Rely on powerful and robust infrastructure

Confidently build a DeFi portfolio aiming for competitive returns within a clear risk framework
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Data-driven strategies

The Clarity Platform aggregates standardized data across thousands of DeFi-based investments. Platform tools can target specific risk, return, and correlation goals to position a portfolio on the ‘efficient frontier’.

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Sophisticated risk tools

Users can trust a state-of-the-art risk-scoring methodology not only to pre-screen and simulate investment strategies, but also to track risk parameters and recalibrate dynamically.

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Insights through transparency

The Clarity Platform can delve through to the core of a DeFi portfolio to extract key insights while also tracking historical performance vs. initial expectations and selected benchmarks.

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Flexibility without compromise

We're here to serve diverse set of investors, from family offices, to hedge funds, to crypto traders, without compromise. Clarity adapts for both custodial and non-custodial use cases and reaches  investors through a growing set of partners.  

Want to know more about Window Finance and the Clarity Platform? 
Schedule a Demo

Backed by the best

Growing list of partners supporting and collaborating with Window Finance

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Unlock DeFi's full potential

We are tech and finance veterans, leading world-class innovators.

The crypto economy has the potential to positively impact lives worldwide. We are here to unlock this potential, by bridging the gap between high-end technology and usability. With Window Finance, investors will be able to leave the sidelines and enjoy the benefits of decentralized finance with security and ease.

Say hello@window.finance